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The molecular life of the Adriatic Sea Phytoplankton

                                    Adri LIFE

Phytoplankton plays a key role in marine biogeochemical cycles. Physiological adaptations of phytoplankton affect biodiversity, dynamics and interactions in marine ecosystem networks.



To understand the dynamics of marine phytoplankton and its reactions to changing environments (like e.g. climate changes or anthropogenic pressures) it is of great importance to understand the physiological basis at species at molecular level.

This project will employ metatranscriptome analysis for this purpose and thus will drive the current research approaches of the involved institutes and in general for the regions towards research methodologies that involve high throughput methodologies and deep molecular biological analysis of marine environments and especially marine phytoplankton.

Latest Publications

Morpho‑physiological adaptations of Leptocylindrus aporus and L. hargravesii to phosphate limitation in the northern Adriatic

Focus of this study is on two Leptocylindrus species, Leptocylindrus aporus (F.W. French & Hargraves) D. Nanjappa & A. Zingone 2013 and Leptocylindrus hargravesii D. Nanjappa & A. Zingone 2013. Species belonging to Leptocylindrus genus are frequently observed and have high abundances and also high contributions to the microphytoplankton community in this area. We focused on their morphological and physiological responses to phosphate limitation in situ and also performed in vitro experiments. In this study we report data on species specifc growth rates under phosphorus (P) deplete and P rich conditions, localization and characteristics of alkaline phosphate activity, phosphate uptake rates as well as their morphological diferences in P deplete versus P rich conditions. Our in vitro experiments showed that both Leptocylindrus species morphologically reacted similarly to phosphorus depletion and showed signifcantly elongated pervalvar axis in P depleted conditions if compared to P rich conditions. Also average chain lengths increased when in P depleted conditions. Two previously mentioned adaptations indicate their tendency to increase cellular surface areas available for alkaline phosphatase. Chlorophyll fuorescence of both species signifcantly decreased in P depleted medium. Although both species morphologically reacted similarly, our experiment demonstrated signifcant diferences in physiological reactions to P depleted conditions.


Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička cesta 54, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia)


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